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Messages: 2

german sergernts at horse

Messagede michael.m » Jeu Mai 26, 2011 7:21 pm

Hi @all!

"my theme is my caste" .. as a german reenactor with baltic elders i wont present a german knight.
... rather in the period 13th century and "1214 " a "sergernt" or "dienstmann"
... and later perhaps a "edelknecht" or "squire" - a "not-knight" from noble family.

... usually on the german side of the battlefield ... mea culpa :-)

Now my question: is it possible to present a "sergernt on horse" in 2014 or have i to present a german knight?
if i have to present a german knight i rather went with the infantry.

If there are other rules / "équipements demandés" (sorry , i dont speak a word french)
for "sergernts on horse" as for knights please write me!

your "most humble" german servant

Barbarus hic ergo sum, quia non intellegor ulli. :-)

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Yvan de Tergate
Localisation: Rennes
Messages: 1057

Re: german sergernts at horse

Messagede Yvan de Tergate » Ven Mai 27, 2011 7:12 pm

Hi ! Pleased to see a new German guy interested in our project :top:

To answer your question, we do not accept mounted sergeants at the moment. We are currently focusing on major knights present during the battle. This will probably evolve in the next few years, but we don't know when. So, I can't encourage you reenacting a mounted sergeant without having a clear roadmap in mind on this topic.

Moreover, you have to know that we pay a lot of attention on the knights. They are really difficult, expensive and long to reenact. So, before accepting a new knight in the project, if we don't already know him, we prefer to meet him during a Bouvines event for instance. We want to make sure he is really aware of the complexity of such a character and the related logistic.

If you are interesting in participating as an infantryman, we would be happy to welcome you during the next event. This could be a good occasion to discuss about your project.
« Dieu aide ! »

Messages: 2

Re: german sergernts at horse

Messagede michael.m » Mar Mai 31, 2011 9:39 pm

Dear Yvan,

i thank you for the quick response and the invitation to the next event. I need the Date .. to plan the holydays for it ...

in the meantime I´d like to customize my equipment for the German infantry 1214 in France. .-)

therefor ... Please send me an e-mail address to which I can send pictures of me with my current equipment.


Barbarus hic ergo sum, quia non intellegor ulli. :-)

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Localisation: Pau
Messages: 1090

Re: german sergernts at horse

Messagede Isarn » Ven Juin 03, 2011 6:05 pm

michael.m a écrit:Please send me an e-mail address to which I can send pictures of me with my current equipment.

Hello Michael !
You can send us pictures of your equipment to : bureau@bouvines1214.org (Yvan, Oriabel and I).
Thanks !

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Localisation: Pau
Messages: 1090

Re: german sergernts at horse

Messagede Isarn » Dim Juin 19, 2011 11:10 am

Hello Michael !

We have well received your e-mail ... we'll wait, no problem ... registration are not still yet open !

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